AD7569 converter

The AD7569 contains an ADC and a DAC. The jumpers JP1 and JP2 are used to select the range and data format of both converters, according to the next table.

<#835#>Table<#835#>: <#836#>Selectable voltage ranges and data formats<#836#>
JP1 (RANGE) JP2 (Vss) voltage range DB0-DB7 data format
0 V 0 V 0 #math20#→ +1.25 V binary
5 V 0 V 0 #math21#→ +2.5 V binary
0 V -5 V -1.25 #math22#→ +1.25 V 2s complement
5 V -5 V -2.5 #math23#→ +2.5 V 2s complement

The inverted RESET of the XT bus is connected to the AD7569's #math24##tex2html_wrap_inline839# input. The clock (CLK) is connected to an RC circuit, enabling the conversion frequency to be adjusted with the variable 10K resistor. A value of 6.8 kΩ corresponds to an AD conversion time of #math25##tex2html_wrap_inline842# 2 μs. The analog input and output voltage are connected to a 9-pin hooked SUB-D connector.